Item Number: 5ECFG
LaHabra ® Elastomeric Finishes over LaHabra Wall or Portland Cement Base Coat provide the benefits of a cementitious substrate with the advantages of an advanced elastomeric finish. Most cement based products develop minute surface cracks during their cure cycle. These can be microscopically small, or they can be visible to the naked eye. Either way, cure-induced surface crazing or cracking can usually be covered by a flexible finish provided the cracks do not exceed 1/16" in width. The finish of choice for this normal condition has traditionally been one formulated from elastomeric compounds, capable of maintaining its flexibility over a wide range of temperature and weather conditions. LaHabra Elastomeric Finishes are formulated from improved polymers with better capabilities to stretch and return to their original dimensions as a wall expands, contracts and flexes. Minute surface cracks are kept beneath the LaHabra Elastomeric membrane, invisible and protected from the elements.