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Havenwood #2 Seamface 2"-4" Thin Veneer

Cameron Stone

$ 9.55

$ 16.35

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Item Number: HSF24TV


The Havenwood 2"-4" is a seamface (top of stone) 2" to 4" tall ledge stone that is saw cut into a natural stone thin veneer with random lengths and ranges in thickness from 3/4" to 1-1/4". It is a perfect blend of tans, browns, and blacks and is laid in a random ashlar pattern. It is available in flats sold by the square foot and corners sold by the linear foot. 150 S/F to a crate of flats, 100 L/F to a crate of corners.

Product application

Use for interior walls, fireplaces, exterior walls and can even be added to existing brick or concrete structures with very little modification! A natural stone product specifically engineered for interior or exterior applications over plywood, brick or concrete.