Item Number: SDG-713
Glaze 'N Seal offers a limited number of high performance cleaners that will handle over 95% of all cleaning situations. A powerful, alkaline concentrated cleaner to remove difficult greased, oil, and soils from concrete, tile, brick, and stone surfaces. It will also strip waxes and polishes from all types of hard surfaces. Can be used to prepare a floor for restoration or the application of floor finishes.
Product Coverage
As a cleaner diluted: up to 10,000 sq ft. As a wax stripper: up to 5,000 sq ft.
Product Application
For all types of hard surfaces including: ceramic tile, marble, granite, limestone, other natural stone, brick, masonry, concrete and grout. Because of its high concentration and degreasing capabilities, it is excellent for use as a steam cleaning and pressure washing solution to remove grease and heavy soil deposits from walks, floors, engines, and other equipment. When properly diluted can be used to clean plastic and vinyl furniture, linoleum, rubber, kitchen ovens, and rangehoods. Warnings/Cautions: Monoethanolamine and Glycol Ether. Do NOT get in eyes, on skin or clothing. Can cause eye damage. READ label completely! Do not mix with any other cleaner. Do not use on unsealed wood floors, asphalt tile or asphalt. This product will dull or strip most acrylic polishes and waxes. Some polished marble comes from the factory with a wax coating to hide polishing flaws. This cleaner may appear to dull the finish but is actually removing the wax and exposing the true finish. Always read the complete manufacturer's label for complete instructions before purchase or use. Keep out of the reach of children!
Product #SDG-713